Kuća u Porto Rafti, #62


Detached house in Porto Rafti, Attica.

Building with 2 apartments:

1) ground floor (80,89sqm residence + 7,49m2 veranda) and
2) First floor (91,39sqm residence + 19,93sqm terrace)

-Underground warehouses 35,73m2 (do not count on the building factor)
-Amount of land - 738sqm garden with building balance 18,32

The houses are fully functional and habitable except for the first floor that needs painting.
Their heating is radiator with oil burner and they have A / C (1st Floor 2 x A / C x 9,000 BTU + 1 Ground Floor 1 x 12,000 BTU)
The first floor has a fireplace.

There is the possibility to sell with electrical appliances and furniture as shown in the photos.
Their distance from the nearest beach (Agios Spyridon) is almost 1000 meters and a 5-minute walk away.

We can give you an offer to convert the building to a maisonette after consultation.


Adresa Porto Rafti

Namjena:   Prodaja  

Vrsta:   Kuća  

Županija: Grčka

Grad: Atena

Poštanski broj: 19023

Područje:   Više od 100m2  

Veličina precizno: 178 m2

Energetski razred:   D  

Kupaonica: 4

Spavaonica: 4

Soba: 4

Prodajna cijena: € 250000 €

Kat: 0.1

Energetska efikasnost: 67 kWh EP / m2, year

Emisije plinova: 59 kg CO2 / m², year

Pregleda: 7734


 Verzija za ispis

Pogodnosti unutrašnjosti

  • true  Klimatizacija  true
  • true  Kabelska TV  true
  • true  Računalo  true
  • true  Perilica suđa  true
  • true  Grijanje  true
  • true  Mikrovalna  true

Vanjske pogodnosti

  • true  Balkon  
  • true  Roštilj  true
  • true  Parkirang  true


  • 800 Plaže:  800m
  • 10000 Vlak:  10000m
  • 10000 Podzemna:  10000m
  • 500 autobus:  500m
  • 1200 Ljekarna:  1200m
  • 700 Pekara:  700m
  • 700 Restoran:  700m
  • 700 kafić:  700m

Energetska efikasnost

    Ne podliježe energetskom standardu

    Ne podliježe standardu

Lokacija nekretnine

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Adresa Porto Rafti

Namjena:   Prodaja  

Vrsta:   Kuća  

Županija: Grčka

Grad: Atena

Poštanski broj: 19023

Područje:   Više od 100m2  

Veličina precizno: 178 m2

Energetski razred:   D  

Kupaonica: 4

Spavaonica: 4

Soba: 4

Prodajna cijena: € 250000 €

Kat: 0.1

Energetska efikasnost: 67 kWh EP / m2, year

Emisije plinova: 59 kg CO2 / m², year

Pregleda: 7734


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